leg pain at night

Why Do Varicose Veins Hurt Most at Night?

If you think that your varicose veins hurt more at night, you are probably not imagining this. The reason why, in a word, is contrast. This might make more sense once it is explained...


Especially since the advent of electrical lights, it can be easy to forget that nighttime is for rest. As daylight wanes, everything in nature gets quieter and darker and cooler. Only we humans maintain our bustling pace right up until the point where we drop into bed. (Then we twiddle our thumbs while we wait for sleep to come. Or we wake at odd hours, minds already racing).

Even on the cellular level, our bodies are winding down as the evening progresses, preparing for a quiet restorative time.


Symptoms of Varicose Veins Increase During Day

Throughout the course of the day, though, varicose vein pain and discomfort tends to get amped up. Gravity pulls blood against compromised valves and leads it to pool in the lower legs. Agents of inflammation also get concentrated at these sites, and the nerve receptors that register pain start to fire more furiously. This can be tolerable—as long as our brains are busy and distracted from the leg pain.


So really...why do varicose veins hurt most at night?

When our bodies are trying to rest, especially against the backdrop of the dark and the quiet, every sensation seems magnified: bumps, sounds, lights—and these throbbing aches and pains.

Varicose veins and leg pain plus leg cramps can make it difficult to get restful sleep. It can take hours for that discomfort to ease off as lymph and other metabolic substances are taken back up into circulation. And if you happen to point your toes as you stretch out in your sleep, you might be awakened by the startling discomfort of a muscle cramp. Often by the time equilibrium is restored, it is time to get up and start the whole process again.


There Are Things You Can Do To Ease Nighttime Varicose Vein Pain:

  • First of all, if varicose vein pain is keeping you up at night, or if you are experiencing any of the other symptoms of chronic venous insufficiency, it is time to have your vascular health checked by a qualified vein specialist.
  • Ease into the evening. Put your legs up for a bit, especially at the end of the day, and give your veins a chance to calm down before you go to bed. Perform a little local self-massage to encourage circulation and take some pressure off your veins.
  • Perform some gentle exercise. Walking, yoga and other gentle forms of exercise are great for relaxing the entire body and promoting healthy respiration and circulation of blood and lymph.
  • Ensure proper hydration. Drinking adequate water is key for promoting healthy circulation, keeping blood vessels and tissues healthy and pliable, and for preventing muscle cramps.
  • Eat a healthy diet, full of vitamins, minerals and macronutrients. There is not enough space here to say all that needs to be said about the importance of taking care of your body through the food you eat. However, there are lots of great nutrition resources out there.
  • Stretch out those muscles. Tight and constricted muscles prevent the healthy circulation of blood and lymphatic fluid through the legs. And tight muscles are more likely to ache and to cramp up.

Of course, a qualified vein doctor will have more suggestions for easing and eliminating the discomfort of your enlarged veins. Using the results from a detailed examination and duplex ultrasound, they can tailor treatment options for you, and have you sleeping comfortably through the night in very little time.

Do You Qualify for a Varicose Vein Procedure at AVIA?

By Jilanne Rose, DNP ANP-BC | Mar 1, 2018 | Comments Off on Do You Qualify for a Varicose Vein Procedure at AVIA?

Advanced Vein Institute of Arizona is proud that our offices are staffed with only board-certified providers. To help them determine whether you might benefit from a minimally invasive vein treatment, please answer these questions:

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Are Your Legs Ready For Spring Break?

By Jilanne Rose, DNP ANP-BC | Feb 22, 2018 | Comments Off on Are Your Legs Ready For Spring Break?

Vein Treatment It is easy to forget about unsightly veins in the winter time when leggings and sweats are worn almost 24/7. In addition, the cooler weather helps to mitigate symptoms such as fatigue, heaviness, cramping, and swelling; all indications of underlying venous insufficiency. With spring right around the corner, now is the time to…

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Don’t skip the cranberries!

By Jilanne Rose, DNP ANP-BC | Dec 13, 2017 | Comments Off on Don’t skip the cranberries!

As you navigate your way through the barrage of holiday parties this season, it may be difficult to decide on certain indulgences. The general recommendation here at Advanced Vein Institute of Arizona is everything in moderation. However, there is one thing on a lot of holiday tables that can benefit your vascular health…cranberries! Due to…

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IRONMAN is coming to Arizona, are you ready?

By Jilanne Rose, DNP ANP-BC | Oct 12, 2017 | Comments Off on IRONMAN is coming to Arizona, are you ready?

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Improve circulation in your legs while binge watching

By Jilanne Rose, DNP ANP-BC | Sep 27, 2017 | Comments Off on Improve circulation in your legs while binge watching

Binge watching your favorite series or games this week? . . . Avoid painful legs! Are you in to Game of Thrones or the Handmaid’s Tale? Maybe you are an avid NFL or MLB fan and can’t wait for a day to lounge around and catch up on the series, or binge all the games…

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Is Varicose Vein leg pain keeping you from dancing with the stars?

By Jason Babcock, MBA ACRP-CP | Sep 6, 2017 | Comments Off on Is Varicose Vein leg pain keeping you from dancing with the stars?

Dancing with Varicose Veins Has leg pain kept you in your seat and off the dance floor these days? You may have eliminated dancing because of symptoms associated with vein disease. Vein disorders are not always visible to the naked eye. Varicose veins or venous disease can cause aching legs, painful or restless legs, as…

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What is PVD – Peripheral Vascular Disease?

By Jilanne Rose, DNP ANP-BC | Aug 24, 2017 | Comments Off on What is PVD – Peripheral Vascular Disease?

Peripheral Vascular Disease: Not Always Just An Artery Issue When the term peripheral vascular disease (PVD) comes up; it is a common misconception that this refers to just arterial disease. PVD refers to both the arterial and venous circulation. Arteries in the legs carry blood from the heart to the toes (periphery), and veins carry…

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Does Blue Cross Blue Shield Cover Varicose Vein Treatment?

By Jason Babcock, MBA ACRP-CP | Aug 10, 2017 | Comments Off on Does Blue Cross Blue Shield Cover Varicose Vein Treatment?

VARICOSE VEINS, VENOUS INSUFFICIENCY AND LEG ULCER TREATMENTS Insurance coverage is always dependent upon benefit eligibility, as outlined in your specific benefit plan.  Some employers have chosen not to cover varicose vein treatment specifically, so be sure and check with your human resources department or call the toll-free number on the back of your insurance…

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Vein Removal or Vein Stripping Recommended?

By Jilanne Rose, DNP ANP-BC | Aug 1, 2017 | Comments Off on Vein Removal or Vein Stripping Recommended?

Times have changed – There are alteratives to painful vein removal surgery Gone are the days when your only remedy for varicose veins was vein removal or vein stripping. Our in-office procedures are the gold-standard. If you are scheduled for a procedure and would like to know what other options are available, call today for…

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Sorry I put off varicose vein and venous leg ulcer treatment

By Jason Babcock, MBA ACRP-CP | Aug 1, 2017 | Comments Off on Sorry I put off varicose vein and venous leg ulcer treatment

HERE’S HER STORY: Magdalena, a 63-year-old retired woman that has lived with painful varicose veins and CVI since the 1970’s. She had vein stripping in the 1970’s and laser thermal ablation in 2010 which both left her traumatized and fearful of any further treatment.  In late August, 2016 she reached a point where she had…

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About Jilanne Rose, DNP ANP-BC

Jilanne is Phoenix Metros only Doctorate Nurse Practitioner that has been trained extensively by a Cardiothoracic & Vascular Surgeon, an Interventional Radiologist, and an Interventional Cardiologist. Dr. Rose is highly regarded by patients and physicians who seek her out because of her expertise in vein disease, her commitment to compassionate care, and her excellent success rates. As a peripheral vascular specialist that has performed well over 10,000 vascular interventions, Dr. Rose is dedicated to helping patients achieve a pain free, healthy and happy life.