Can Venous Insufficiency be Reversed?

Can Chronic Venous Insufficiency (CVI) be reversed? Unfortunately the short answer to this question is no; but CVI can be treated with minimally invasive procedures which can reduce symptoms and improve quality of life tremendously! Chronic Vein Insufficiency Causes In order to understand why venous insufficiency or peripheral venous insufficiency cannot be reversed, we must…

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Why do varicose veins hurt?

Why are varicose veins painful? The discomfort associated with varicose veins is caused by a combination of factors. When veins are weak, the blood which is supposed to return to the heart in a timely fashion, settles and pools in the superficial vein system. This pooling of blood worsens when patients stand or sit in…

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What is endovenous ablation?

Endovenous Ablation Definition Taken literally, endovenous ablation is the removal of a vein from within. ‘Endo’ means internal or inside, ‘venous’ refers to a vein, and ablation is to ‘remove’. In the instance of veins, it is no longer necessary to physically remove a vein from the leg (vein stripping) to improve symptoms or the…

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